Applicants must submit a Pre-Approval Application prior to attending the training for which they wish to obtain funding. All applications must be complete with a brief course description, statement as to how the applicant will benefit from attending the training and justification for receiving funding (i.e. insufficient employer funding or continuing education requirements).
Notification will be given to each applicant upon receipt of the Pre-Approval Application. This notification lets the applicant know that their submission has been received by the Awards Chair at NEAFS and is being reviewed. Applicants can expect to be informed of the acceptance or rejection of their application within 60 days of receiving this Pre-Approval Application notification.
Upon successful attendance and completion of the training, all pre-approved applicants must submit a Reimbursement Application along with supporting documentation. Whenever possible, a certificate should be provided as proof of attendance and completion. If a certificate is not issued, or is unavailable, a letter from the organizer/ instructor verifying the applicant's successful attendance and completion shall suffice. Each Training Scholarship Fund recipient is required to contribute to NEAFS and its members by publishing a written article in the Newsletter. Reimbursement Applications will only be considered complete when accompanied by a 1000-word (minimum) course summary.
NEAFS Training Scholarship Forms:
TSF Pre-Approval Application | TSF Reimbursement Application
Members Who Have Taken Advantage of the Training Scholarship Fund
Beth Saucier Goodspeed
73rd AAFS Annual Scientific Meeting - Virtual
Dr. Andrew Schweighardt
72nd AAFS Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim, CA
Beth Saucier Goodspeed
72nd AAFS Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim, CA