Forensic Web Links
Reddy's Forensic Homepage
The ultimate source of Forensic Science links
Westchester County (NY) Division of Toxicological and Forensic Science Services
American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS)
American Board of Criminalistics (ABC)
American Society of Crime Lab Directors (ASCLD)
American Society of Questioned Document Examiners (ASQDE)
American Society For Testing and Materials (ASTM)
Canadian Society of Forensic Science (CSFS)
California Association of Criminalistics (CAC)
International Association for Identification (IAI)
Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists (MAAFS)
Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists (MAFS)
Southern Association of Forensic Scientists (SAFS)
Northwest Association of Forensic Scientists (NWAFS)
Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists (SWAFS)
The New Jersey Association of Forensic Scientists
Association of Forensic DNA Analysts and Administrators (AFDAA)
Association of Forensic Quality Assurance Managers (AFQAM)
National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
NCJRS is a Federally-sponsored information resource. The site features more than 1,800 full-text publications, a searchable abstracts database, a calendar of events, and reference and referral services.
McCrone Research Institute
The Institute teaches more than 50 intensive courses each year, publishes 'The Microscope' (a quarterly journal), and hosts INTER/MICRO, an annual internationally recognized meeting for microscopists. Please visit their website for a calendar of courses.
The National Center for Forensic Science (NCFS)
The National Center for Forensic Science (NCFS) is a research center at the University of Central Florida with a 15 year history of research and partnership with the forensic science community. They are now transitioning many of their face-to-face trainings into an online format to better suit the needs of the forensic science community. Please see their professional training opportunities page at http://ncfs.ucf.edu/ncfs-training/physical-evidence/.
Training and Records Testimony Team (TRTT) of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division
The Training and Records Testimony Team (TRTT) of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division provides training and expert witness testimony in the science of fingerprints, including all the proper preparation/ processing of friction ridge skin, and criminal history report data to agencies with authorized access to the CJIS systems. The TRTT offers a variety of classes which are conducted at the FBI/CJIS Division in Clarksburg, West Virginia. In addition, some of our courses are available via Video Teleconferencing (VTC). Agencies are encouraged to send their employees to the FBI/CJIS Division to obtain fingerprint and criminal history training from the TRTT. The internal classes are scheduled on a quarterly basis and advertised on the FBI's Internet site at http://www.fbi.gov.
American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board
For year round ASCLD/LAB Training courses click on link above.
Crime Scene Resources Inc - "Crime Scene Investigator Network"
Crime Scene Resources Inc is the most popular CSI and Forensic website in the world. Their Employment Page is a valuable resource for anyone interested in a career in Forensics. Their website is 100% free to view and requires no membership. They provide links to most, if not all, IAI websites on our Resource Page. There are numerous articles relating to evidence identification, development, preservation, and collection on our Articles Page, and our Evidence Collection Page.
"CrimeSceneInvestigatorEDU.org was developed in response to the growing demand for skilled lab technicians, criminal investigators and field technicians well versed in forensic science. This free resource is designed for those interested in pursuing careers related to forensic science as they work to determine the best path."
The National Center for Forensic Science
The National Center for Forensic Science is pleased to announce NCFS Training in partnership with the University of Central Florida's Continuing Education department. We offer continuing education credit for online, self-paced courses taught by practicing SMEs.
CriminalJusticePrograms.com is the most comprehensive criminal justice education website currently available. The primary purpose of the website is to help connect interested students with the degree level program in their area that best matches their budget, lifestyle, and ultimately career goals, which is why we include a variety of careers associated with the criminal justice system and industry.
LEAP - Bridging the gap
The goal of the Laboratories and Educators Alliance Program (LEAP) is to facilitate collaborative research between academia and forensic science laboratories. This joint effort between the American Society of Crime Lab Directors (ASCLD) and the Council of Forensic Science Educators (COFSE) identifies forensic science needs and provides a platform for laboratories, researchers, and students to seek projects aligning with their mutual research capabilities. Download the LEAP Introduction and the LEAF Summary for more information.
Criminal justice is an interdisciplinary career field that includes law enforcement, legal studies, and homeland security. CriminalJustice.com is a platform for distance learners pursuing their online criminal justice degrees and exploring dynamic career options. We're here to connect you to the resources and opportunities you need to move forward in this exciting field. With this in mind, CriminalJustice.com put together a helpful guide breaking down exactly what earning a forensic science degree entails. We wanted to make it as easy as possible for students to decide if this career path is right for them and how to proceed. We created the guides below with future forensic scientists and criminal investigators in mind.
Earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Forensic Science
Earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Crime Scene Investigation
Popular Forensic Psychology Careers - Maryville University
https://online.maryville.edu/online-bachelors-degrees/forensic-psychology/careers/ ​
This site serves students interested in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics by delivering accurate, high quality information presented in a simple, clean format.
How to Become a Digital Forensic Professional -These professionals are like the sleuths of the digital world. Often they are tasked with figuring out what happened after a security incident and being able to reverse engineer hacks and attacks. As the number of digital attack surfaces continues to grow, so too does the need for professionals with digital forensic skills. The guide can be found here - https://cybersecurityguide.org/careers/digital-forensics/
How to Become a Cybercrime Investigator - Digital crimes are unique in that they are undertaken remotely, or that they can happen in virtual realms, or require sophisticated coordination among many nodes or hubs. Cybercrime investigators act as digital detectives to help bring cybercriminals to justice after a hack or cyberattack. The guide can be found here - https://cybersecurityguide.org/careers/cyber-crime-investigator/
Criminal Justice Job Growth: Advancing Your Career
This site is a comprehensive guide to the best online bachelor of cybersecurity degrees with flexible academic schedules that will allow students more time in their internship positions. The resource material also provides a list of schools and programs taking applications.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is forensic science?
Forensic science is the application of natural sciences to matters of the law. In practice, forensic science draws upon physics, chemistry, biology, and other scientific principles and methods. Forensic science is concerned with the recognition, identification, individualization, and evaluation of physical evidence. Forensic scientists present their findings as expert witnesses in the court of law.
What are the subdisciplines in forensic science?
Forensic scientists are often involved in the search for and examination of physical evidence. This physical evidence is useful for establishing or excluding an association between a suspect of a crime and the scene of the crime and/or the victim(s) or between the victim(s) and the crime scene. The scientist will sometimes visit the scene to determine the sequence of events, any indicators as to who the perpetrator might be, and to join in the search for evidence. The following is a general listing of sub-disciplines and associated examinations: Forensic Biologists analyze blood and other body fluids. Forensic Trace Evidence examiners analyze hairs and fibers, paint, soil, and glass. Forensic Chemists analyze flammable substances and evidence from a scene of a suspected arson. Forensic Drug Chemists analyze suspected drugs of abuse such as marihuana, cocaine, and heroin. Forensic Toxicologists analyze specimens from individuals such as blood and urine for alcohol, drugs, and poisons. Other Forensic Scientists specialize in footwear, tool mark, and tire impressions; fingerprints; firearms; explosives; questioned documents; odontology; and/or engineering. Forensic scientists can appear for the prosecution or defense in criminal matters, and plaintiff or defendant in civil ones. They present their findings and opinions in written form either as formal statements of evidence or reports. Most often, they are required to attend court to present their findings in person.
Where can I get information about forensic science?
General forensic information can be found in several locations in your local library. There are also many Internet sites that have information about forensic science. Reedy's Forensic Home Page at www.forensicpage.com is an organized site for specific links. Informational links for common disciplines and careers in forensic science can also be found there.
What courses should I take in high school to prepare for a career in forensic science?
A background in math and sciences including biology, chemistry, and physics will be helpful. A composition or writing course may also be helpful. A solid education will enable you to continue your studies in college and prepare you for a career in one of the many different forensic science fields. You may also want to consider doing an internship in a crime laboratory to gain experience in the forensic application of science and to determine if forensic science is right for you. Contact the laboratory you are interested in working for to find out further details. Unfortunately, there is no official listing for such opportunities.
What type of education do I need to start a career in forensic science?
The minimum acceptable training is a Bachelors degree in forensic science, biochemistry, biology, chemistry, medical technology, or in a closely related field which must have included or been supplemented by twenty credit hours in chemistry. Ideally, your coursework should include the following: microscopy, statistics, and laboratory work.
A Bachelor's degree is essential for a job in the following forensic disciplines: drug analysis, toxicology, trace evidence, and forensic biology including DNA analysis.
The following website contains additional information about educational requirements for a career in Forensic Science and Crime Scene Investigation:
The following articles contain additional information about educational requirements for a career in Forensic Science:
Furton, K., Hsu, Y-H., Cole, MD. What Educational Background do Crime Laboratory Directors Require From Applicants? J Forensic Sci, 1999;44(1):128-132.
Higgins, LM, Selavka, CM. Do Forensic Science Graduate Programs Fulfill the Needs of the Forensic Science Community? J Forensic Sci, 1988;33:1015-21.
Siegal, JA. The Appropriate Educational Background for Entry Level Forensic Scientists: A Survey of Practitioners. J Forensic Sci, 1988;33:1065-8.
Gaensslen, RE, Lee HC. Regional Cooperation and Regional Centers Among Forensic Science Programs in the United States. J Forensic Sci, 1988;33:1069-70.
Lee, HC, Gaensslen, RE. Forensic Science Laboratory/Forensic Science Program Cooperation and Relationships: The View From the Forensic Science Laboratory. J Forensic Sci, 1988;33:1071-3.
Which schools offer undergraduate and graduate degrees in forensic science?
For a list and links to individual schools, please refer to the colleges and universities list on the American Academy of Forensic Science Web site, www.aafs.org, Reedy's Forensic Home Page at www.forensicpage.com, www.criminaljustice.com or ForensicsColleges.com
What major should I choose ?
The majority of positions within a crime lab require a bachelor's degree in a physical science. Some universities offer a degree in Forensic Science. However, if the university you are attending does not offer such a program there are other majors you can consider. The major that you choose should reflect the forensic discipline in which you wish to work. For example, drug analysts should have a degree with a concentration in chemistry, while DNA analysts should have an emphasis on molecular biology. If you want to work in forensic DNA analysis, you must have coursework in molecular biology, statistics, genetics, and biochemistry. While Forensic Science degrees are not required, most provide a curriculum that includes ancillary courses that are helpful in the career. These include criminal law, courtroom procedures, and expert testimony courses.
Do I need to have a masters degree to get a job in forensic science?
There is no general requirement for a Masters degree, although if you are interested in employment at a specific laboratory, you should contact the director of the laboratory to determine what they require. A Masters degree in forensic science, biochemistry, biology, chemistry, medical technology, or a closely related field may substitute for experience and are useful for career advancement. Again, contact the specific laboratory to inquire if this is their policy. Many examiners/analysts have a BS in chemistry or biology and an MS in forensic science. For specialty areas, advanced degrees are helpful but not required.
Is there any experience requirement to start a career in forensic science?
Some laboratories offer trainee positions that do not require prior training in the forensic science field. Trainee positions are not often available. It may be necessary to consider doing an internship in a crime laboratory to gain experience. Unfortunately, there is no official listing for these opportunities and you will need to contact the laboratory you are interested in working for. The internship may be easiest to do while you are a student. In fact, some universities give credit for and/or require an internship.
Why are internships important?
Internships provide students with the opportunity to experience the "real world" of forensic science and the crime laboratory. They also provide recent graduates with the relevant experience that crime laboratory directors seek from applicants. Getting an internship in any laboratory and learning about the theory behind the techniques that are employed can be helpful. This will provide experience in general laboratory procedures as well as safety processes that are employed in laboratories. Be prepared to perform basic functions such as washing glassware or clerical duties.
Do the subdisciplines within forensic science have any specific requirements?
At this time, only DNA laboratories have stated specific requirements. The latest FBI DNA Quality Assurance Audit Document Issue 10/00 states that each examiner/analyst should meet the following degree/educational requirements: a B.A./B.S. degree or its equivalent in a biology, chemistry, or forensic science related area; college course work or classes covering the subject areas of biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology; and college course work or training which covers the subject area of statistics and/or population genetics.
What is the starting salary for a career in forensic science?
The majority of forensic science laboratories in the U.S. are publicly operated. The laboratories may be part of the federal, state, county, or local government (Lee et al, 15). There are also a number of private laboratories that operate independently, are associated with universities, or are under contractual agreements with government agencies (Lee et al, 16). The starting salary is dependent on the above factors and individuals should contact the specific laboratory that they are interested in. Salaries for Crime Laboratory analysts vary from region as well as position. The starting salary is generally around $30,000. Analysts with many years of experience may make $60,000-$70,000.
What type of work environment can I expect?
Most analysts work in a laboratory setting for 8 hours per day. Some analysts may assist at crime scenes where the hours can vary throughout the day and night.
Where can I find more information about forensic job opportunities?
In addition to job listings on this site, there are other sites which may be helpful. Check out the American Society of Crime Lab Director's home page at www.ascld.org. ASCLD members are laboratory directors and if they have a job opening, they usually send the information to the web master for posting. Also, go to the American Academy of Forensic Sciences' home page at www.aafs.org and click on "job opportunities". The AAFS lists job openings according to title and receive postings from numerous laboratory locations.
What else will help me get a job in a crime lab?
Courtroom testimony is an essential job duty for a forensic analyst. Therefore public speaking and the ability to convey scientific concepts in understandable terms is vital. Most laboratories require applicants to undergo some sort of background evaluation prior to employment. This may include polygraphs, drug screens, or background investigations. Drug use, alcohol abuse, theft, and even excessive traffic violations are often causes for dismissal from the application process.
What is the American Board of Criminalistics?
The following has been excerpted from the ABC:
The American Board of Criminalistics (ABC) was created in response to a need perceived by many criminalists for a national certification program. The ABC is composed of regional and national organizations, which represent forensic scientists. Certification is a voluntary process of peer review by which a practitioner is recognized as having attained the professional qualifications necessary to practice in one or more disciplines of criminalistics. The ABC offers a certificate in criminalistics, as well as in the specialty disciplines of forensic biology, drug chemistry, fire debris analysis, and trace evidence. Certification is but one of the avenues for improving the professional status of those conducting analyses in criminalistics. For further information or to become a part of this program, contact the ABC Registrar by mail, P. O. Box 1358, Palmetto, FL 34220; by phone, 941-729-9050; or by e-mail ABCRegistrar@verizon.net, The ABC will forward an application packet with information on fees, timetables, and other requirements.