Membership Dues
The 2025 Membership Dues are $60.00.
A late fee of $5.00 will be added for those dues received after April 1st, 2025 for a total of $65.00.
A late fee of $10.00 will be added for those dues received after July 1st, 2025 for a total of $70.00.
When checking out with PayPal please ensure that you have only one item in your cart
unless you are paying for more than one membership fee.
Donate to the Carol De Forest Forensic Science Research Grant Fund:
The Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists lost a dear friend on October 3rd, 2011 when Carol De Forest, wife of Dr. Peter De Forest, lost her battle with cancer. The sight of Peter and Carol De Forest at a NEAFS meeting was as common as trace evidence on bullets, and of course always welcome. Carol invariably greeted everyone with a huge smile followed by a warm embrace. The sincerity with which she made these greetings was obvious. She always had a kind word for everyone and her compliments were genuine.
For many of us, Carol’s role and influence went well beyond the Annual Meeting, as she became affectionately known as “The First Lady of Forensic Science”. To honor her spirit and enthusiasm, a student research grant fund has been established. The Carol De Forest Student Research Grant, to be awarded each year, has been designed to provide full time undergraduate or graduate forensic science students with financial assistance to conduct research. This fund has been started with a generous seed donation from Dr. Peter De Forest as well as generous donations from many of our members. In order to further grow this fund, we are now accepting additional voluntary donations during the dues payment period. Please consider making a donation to this worthy cause.